On the road to $20bn

Matt Johnston, Herald Sun, November 26, 2023 EXCLUSIVE: Victoria’s most expensive road project, the North East…

Barry Watson’s Submission to the ‘NELP Urban Design and Landscape Plan’

Barry Watsons submission to the ‘NELP Urban Design and Landscape Plan’ describes how NELP has failed…

Friends of Banyule submission to the ‘NELP Urban Design and Landscape Plan’

Friends of Banyule, a not-for-profit community organisation, that campaigns for the protection of the natural environment,…

Another submission to the NELP UDLP

Lazaros Zikou’s submission to the ‘NELP Urban Design and Landscape Plan’ highlights the major concerns, Noise,…

SNELA submission to the NELP UDLP

Stop North East Link Alliance has made joint submission to the ‘NELP Urban Design and Landscape…

CAHA releases ‘Clearing the air’

Climate and Health Alliance (CAHA) has released ‘Clearing the air: Transport decarbonisation and health’, a report…

Commonwealth needs to cull the dud NORTH EAST LINK PROJECT from their funding list

On May 1, 2023, the Commonwealth Government announced a review of its 10-year, $120 billion infrastructure…

Maribyrnong flooding raises serious questions about the impact of the North East Link Project on the Yarra

Severe flooding of the Maribyrnong River in December 2022 has raised major concerns about how many…

Who knew about these route bus service changes in Manningham?

Manningham Council recently resolved to write to public transport minister, Ben Carroll, to express its concern…

Obvious Answer to Federal Government’s Infrastructure Costs Inquiry

The Federal government is conducting a review into a number of large infrastructure projects, including those…